Emails from Christian apologists: 2

    Here is a copy of one of the more 'unusual' emails received from a Christian this of course is a further example of Christians having nothing meaningful to say...

I just want to let you know that I read your site. I am a born again Christian and went through many of the same experiences that you did, although my outcome was a lot different.
I still believe very much in God and the King James Bible. I'm so sorry for your experience, and what happened in your life. I know you think you are doing a good thing by informing people about how the Bible is wrong. Most of your questions have been answered and the Bible always stands.
The reason that I am writing this that I have been in a debate with someone who is lost, unsaved and really needs to believe. You may deny Christ now, but you are saved, so you claim to be, you are then sealed unto the day of redemption, you sir are going to Heaven whether you like it or not. You have taken hope away from someone who desperately needed something solid to believe in. This person has said they envy my faith.
It takes more faith to believe in evolution then in God.
You sound more like a Buddist, which is a faith, then an atheist. God did so much for you on the cross, he gave you eternal life, the ability to speak your future, made you more than a conquerer, an overcomer, set you apart, redeemed you, and gave you endless promises of never being alone, having what you ask for, ruling and reigning with Him, He did it all for you, He waged the war and He won. And He gave that all too you. You have turned around and have done evil, this man who has come to the bleak acceptance through your web page that their is no God.
All I can say is his blood is on your hands.
Defender of the Faith

    (i)As can be seen, the writer does not substantiate anything that he says; he simply writes, without making any attempt to offer any evidence for anything of the fanciful claims that he is making. This is very typical of the Christian disposition of taking things at face value without asking or raising any pertinent questions, and believing anything without an iota of empirical evidence.
    (ii)Even in the one remark that the writer makes about Buddhism, there is an error as traditional Buddhism is in fact deemed atheistic (See Ninian Smart's The Religious Experience of Mankind, p.185).