Emails from Christian apologists: 8

    On 3 March 2002 I received this intellectual masterpiece from 'Cathy' (my response is non-italicized):

>I was confused here concerning your
>home page about the Bible & Christ Jesus.
>Are you a "WAS" Christian???
>Im going to assume you are from some of the
>things I read concerning Christ the
>Holy one Of God.
>Those that fear Christ the most try to disprove
>he Is who he said he is..

    But this also means, for example, those Christians who try and disprove the assertion of evolution will fear to do this? Alternatively, people who seek to disprove the existence of Atlantis or Santa Claus do so from a state of fear. Obviously, your logic (and I use the word loosely here!) is wholly flawed.

>Just because you or anyone write he is not the
>son of God doesn't mean you are right.

    No, but you may wish to consider the points being made...

>Christ lived and lives today,like Saul,later on
>known as Paul kicked against the pricks concerning

    And yet this website (and others) show there are no convincing arguments that Jesus ever lived at any time. Perhaps you would like to ponder this before sending emails.

>Best be careful friend you could be the next
>deciple for Christ...

    Indeed. and I could also be the first astronaut to successfully travel to Pluto and back....

    After I replied, the writer was apparently unable to respond to the points made but simply chose to send lengthy emails that contained different chapters of the Biblical book of 'Revelation' (!). In fact if she had bothered to actually read what she was sending then she would have realized that Revelation describes the events leading up to and including the end of the world but begins with the note that the events described 'must soon take place' (1:1) and yet it was written nearly two thousand years ago....